Core Communique wants to create a platform that we can use to communicate with discerning readers on the one hand, while being the chosen vehicle that our associates can use to spin their corporate yarns on the other. Decades of experience – in hardcore journalism, corporate communication, brand building and emerging media – is sought to be married so that the twin needs, for information and communication can be addressed simultaneously.
Read MoreI create content for media houses like the Indian Express / Financial Express, apart from writing columns in some vernacular publications. I also create bespoke content for digital as well as traditional media needs of select corporate houses, both within and outside the country.
All our lives have been one long journey to escape from the ordinary - a conscious effort to give the middle finger to everything hemmed-in between the far extremes. We are not your average, run-of- the-mill, also-ran’s and have-naught’s. We are not here because we want your work so that we can earn our keep.
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